Friday, 23 February 2018

100WC week 21

The Stick Dudes

Finally, a theme I actually like. The theme is "In the woods".  I like the theme because I love the theme because outdoors are awesome. My dance crew and I were judged at the park yesterday. Although we don't have the best dance, were having fun. I knew we didn't have the best dance because when we watched the other groups, we were not confident in our team. Well guess what?
The contest was bribed to today. Finally the performance is over and I could finally blog again. We got second place after doing a backflip and we had fun.  

Thursday, 8 February 2018

100 wc Week 19

Leaving the nest

"Junior? could you watch the eggs for me while I'm gone?"

"Okay mom." I moaned. I can't believe mom left me on the most rainy day with our nest built on the gutters, even worse, I had to take care of the eggs! I heard a human coming up and announced " I found  a Peregrine Falcon!" I flew up high and used my terrible screech and my mighty speed to scare away. I didn't notice that one of the eggs were gone! It came down the drainpipe. I heard a cracking sound.

100 WC Challenge Week #29

Memories I was standing there at my twin brothers grave . As I fell to my  knees, a tear fell out my eye, in my head I was thinking o...